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دايموند فيكرت

Diamond Fickert for rough and medium grinding on natural stone granite and artificial quartz slabs in automatic grinding machine with advantage of high glossiness and electricity saving.

  • تفاصيل المنتج

Diamond Fickert for rough and medium grinding on natural stone granite and artificial quartz slabs in automatic grinding machine with advantage of high glossiness and electricity saving.


1.Electricity saving: its sharpness can reduce the stress of grinding head, thereby reduce machine’s abrasion.

2.كفاءة عالية: its super high sharpness can improve transmission speed of convey belt and improve the production efficiency.

3.High glossiness: it can bring 10 degree more in stone high glossiness. Also its homogenization reduce the possibility for stone surface stroke and glossiness instability.

4.High quality: high technology,computerized production equipment and strict quality control guarantee our high quality product supply, high Cost-efficiency ratio.

نموذج Descroption grit
T-140 دايموند فيكرت 36#/46#/60#/80#/100#/120#140#/180#/240#/320#
T-170 دايموند فيكرت 36#/46#/60#/80#/100#/120#140#/180#/240#/320#



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