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Procedure To Get Stone Finished Products

Stone from the quarry to circulate to the market, need to go through the quarry cutting, block cutting, Slab grinding and polishing, tile cutting and so on each process, and finally circulate to the market, the process is as follows:

1、Quarry Cutting (KSJ-65/KSJ-75 Кар'ерная драцяная піла)

2、Block Ctting (QSQ-1700A-26P Маставы станок для рэзкі блокаў з некалькімі лязамі)

3、Slab Polishing (LXM-12/16/20 Цалкам аўтаматычная паліравальная машына)

4、Tile Cutting (5 Axis CNC Bridge для рэзкі і фрэзеравання)



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