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Πώς να χειριστείτε τις σκουριασμένες λεπίδες πριονιού διαμαντιών

Εάν η αδαμαντοφόρος πριονόλαμα δεν χρησιμοποιείται σωστά, Θα προκαλέσει σκουριά της λεπίδας πριονιού. Επομένως, όταν χρησιμοποιείτε τη λεπίδα αδαμαντοφόρου πριονιού, certain measures must be taken to deal with it so that the saw blade can work normally. Επόμενο, we will briefly explain to you how to deal with rusted saw blades.

Factors causing rust

Generally speaking, when the saw blade is not in use, it should be placed in a ventilated and dry place, and the packaging should not be damaged. It is best to store it on a wooden rack.

The factors that cause rust on diamond saw blades usually include: damaged packaging, dampness in the place where it is placed, and water mist easily contacts the diamond saw blade from the damaged entrance, causing oxidation.

It may also be because the liquid penetrates into the diamond saw blade packaging where the diamond saw blade is stored, causing oxidation, which leads to rust. Επομένως, when we are not using the saw blade, we must pay attention to the placement and keep it ventilated and dry.

How to deal with rusty diamond saw blades

If you find that the saw blade is rusted, don’t use it as usual at this time. This can easily damage the saw blade, especially easy to cause tooth collapse and other phenomena. Before using it, you must perform rust removal and other operations.

1. Check the rusted part first. If it is the base part, it is easy to deal with. Just use our common rust removal method.

2. If the rusted part is on the sawtooth, it will be troublesome. In this case, you must use a diamond grinding wheel to deal with it, because the sawtooth is the most sensitive part of the saw blade. Once it is improperly handled, it will seriously affect the use of the saw blade and may cause the diamond saw blade to be scrapped.



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