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पत्थर काटने की मशीन/

PLC/Smart/Profle-600 लेजर ब्रिज कटिंग मशीन

This machine has two functions of slicing and profling. Compared with similar products, the efficiency is increased by more than 20%. it is especially suitable for cutting and profiling high-value granite and marble blocks.

  • प्रोडक्ट विवरण

PLC/Smart-600 Laser High-speed Bridge Cutting Machine

Compared with ordinary bridge cutting machines, the cutting efficiency of this machine is increased by more than 20%. Especially suitable for cutting high-value granite and marble blocks.

PLC/Profle-600 Laser Bridge Profiling Machine

This machine has two functions of slicing and profling. Compared with similar products, the efficiency is increased by more than 20%. it is especially suitable for cutting and profiling high-value granite and marble blocks.

को गढ़ना इकाई PLC-600 PLC-800
अधिकतम. ब्लेड का व्यास मिमी 600 600
Range of vertical stroke मिमी 450 450
अधिकतम. काटने का आकार(एल एक्स डब्ल्यू एक्स एच) मिमी 3200*2000*180 3200*2000*180
Table dimensions(L x W) मिमी 3200*2000 3200*2000
Table tilting degree एन ° 0-85° 0-85°
Table rotating degree एन ° 90°-360°






मुख्य मोटर शक्ति KW 15/18.5 15/18.5
कुल शक्ति KW 20.2/23.7 21.7/25.2
पानी की खपत एम³/एच 4 4
कुल मिलाकर आयाम(एल एक्स डब्ल्यू एक्स एच) मिमी 6000*4500*3000 6000*4500*3000
अनुमानित वजन किलोग्राम 4800 4800



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