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QSQ-1700A-26P Köprü Çok Bıçaklı Blok Kesme Makinesi

Makine, PLC programlanabilir kontrolör ve İnsan Makine Etkileşim kontrolünü benimser, segmentasyon için ultra yüksek hassasiyetli döner kodlayıcı ile desteklenir. Sol ve sağ besleme invertör tarafından kontrol edilir. Kesme yöntemi, Kesme parçaları, Kesme kalınlığı, Besleme derinliği ve besleme hızı, farklı taş malzemelere göre isteğe bağlı olarak ayarlanabilir.

  • Ürün Detayları

QSQ-1700A-26P Bridge Multi-blade Block Cutting Machine with 26pcs Multiblade Cutting. It has the advantages of high cutting efficiency,high slicing accuracy and consisten thickness of the cut slabs, goog flatness, high stablity and convenient operation, it is especially suitable for cutting high value granite and marble blocks.

Model Birim QSQ-1700A-26P QSQ-1700B-26P QSQ-1700C-26P
Crossbeam size mm 7500×800×900 9500×800×900 9500×800×900
Vertical beam length mm 4000 4000 6000
Pillar diameter mm 210 210 210
Ana motor gücü KW 110/130 110/130 110/130
HAYIR. of blade pcs 26 26 26
Max.Cutting size(U x G x Y) mm 4100×2100×650 6100×2100×650 6100×2100×650
Water consumption m³/h 45 45 45
Genel boyutları (U x G x Y) mm 8000*4650*5500 10000*4650*5500 10000*6650*5500
Approximate weight kg 23000 26000 27000
Remarks pc One picec block Two picecs block Four picecs block

Makine, PLC programlanabilir kontrolör ve İnsan Makine Etkileşim kontrolünü benimser, segmentasyon için ultra yüksek hassasiyetli döner kodlayıcı ile desteklenir. Sol ve sağ besleme invertör tarafından kontrol edilir. Kesme yöntemi, Kesme parçaları, Kesme kalınlığı, Besleme derinliği ve besleme hızı, farklı taş malzemelere göre isteğe bağlı olarak ayarlanabilir.

It is using hydraulic lifting for cutting head up and down movement. lt is combinedwith chrome-plated guide rod and wear-resistant guide sleeve, so the matching gapis small, wear-resistant and beautiful.

Ek olarak, the multi-layer seal is designed in the guide sleeve, which is waterproofdust-proof and anti-oil-leakage, eventually improving the service life. The forward& backward slicing are driven by high-precision screw nuts. Automatic slicing, andkey parts are using imported high-quality parts. The blocks are placed directly onthe ground, which can save the trolley and its maintenance costs; therefore, it hasthe advantages of high cutting efficiency, high slicing accuracy, and consistentthickness of the cut slabs, good flatness, high stability, and convenient operation. ltis especially suitable for cutting high value granite and marble blocks.

Remarks: The trolley is optional upon request.


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